The Children’s Clean Air Network is expanding its matchmaking between business and schools across Halifax. Five schools have pledged to go “idle-free” this month with local businesses sponsoring and investing in signs and various promotional items.
Sir Charles Tupper School was the first school to launch this week, thanks to the generous support of Fusion Print & Imaging.
“I used to have acute asthma when I was a kid. Back then, maybe one or two kids in a class had asthma. Now, kids everywhere have it. Getting the word out on cutting out needless vehicle exhaust is important to us,” says Colin Anderson, of Fusion Print & Imaging.
The entire school was on-hand at an assembly to give us a rousing kick-off to the campaign. Business sponsors invest in IDLE-FREE traffic signs, bumper stickers, a large banner, IDLE-FREE buck hand-outs and incentives for students to create artwork used for future IDLE-FREE bucks.
For your own supply of IDLE-FREE bucks (to give to other motorists) or your own non-permanent stick IDLE-FREE bumper sticker, send your request and contact information to: rzima@accesswave.ca.